
Truck Accident

Settlement—18-wheeler accident causing back and neck injuries.

Settlement—18-wheeler accident causing back and neck injuries.


Truck Accident

$5,000,000 Trucking Accident. Confidential settlement.

$5,000,000 Trucking Accident. Confidential settlement.


Car Accident

Client was injured in a head on collision with an SUV.

Client was injured in a head on collision with an SUV. Sustained injuries to her head, neck, ribs, and internally. Pre-litigation settlement total of $1,600,000.


ATV Accident

ATV accident. Confidential settlement.

$1.6M ATV accident. Confidential settlement.


Car Accident

Settlement—car accident causing severe back and leg injuries.

Settlement—car accident causing severe back and leg injuries.


Workers’ Compensation

Delivery driver assaulted by individual at a delivery location. Driver did not return to work from physical and mental injuries.

Delivery driver assaulted by individual at a delivery location. Driver did not return to work from physical and mental injuries.


Personal Injury

Settlement for maintenance man who suffered a traumatic brain

Settlement for maintenance man who suffered a traumatic brain injury after a cinderblock fell off the top of a building hitting him in the head.


Workers’ Compensation

Delivery driver forced off road by passing truck. Injury to back resulting in back surgery.

Delivery driver forced off road by passing truck. Injury to back resulting in back surgery.


Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury

Local route delivery person struck by national delivery service semi. Personal injury and workers’ compensation settlement. This client suffered a substantial brain injury

Local route delivery person struck by national delivery service semi-truck. Personal injury and workers’ compensation settlement. This client suffered a substantial brain injury.


Workers’ Compensation

Client sustained low back injury after slip and fall on ice in work designated driving area.

Client sustained low back injury after slip-and-fall on ice in work designated driving area. Client had a previous 2-level fusion in her lumbar spine, and a third fusion surgery was required as a result of the slip and fall. Settlement of $500,000.


Workers’ Compensation

Client sustained a crush injury to his left foot after a pallet from his semi trailer was dropped on it.

Client sustained a crush injury to his left foot after a pallet from his semi-trailer was dropped on it. Medical treatment resulted in partial foot amputation and diagnosis of CRPS. Settlement $500,000.


Car Accident

Car accident settlement involving death of a passenger.

Car accident settlement involving death of a passenger.


Truck Accident

Cement truck driver struck by semi. Back injuries sustained.

Cement truck driver struck by semi. Back injuries sustained.


Workers’ Compensation

Settlement for Claimant suffering constrictive bronchiolitis.

Settlement for Claimant suffering constrictive bronchiolitis.


Personal Injury

Jury verdict against Menards’ employees who knocked carpet pad off.

Jury verdict against Menards’ employees who knocked carpet pad off top shelf hitting customer in head and bilateral shoulders. Customer underwent surgery on both shoulders.


Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury

Client drove a truck that delivered liquid gas. He slipped and fell on ice that had accumulated on the customer’s gravel driveway.

Client drove a truck that delivered liquid gas. He slipped and fell on ice that had accumulated on the customer’s gravel driveway. He had some back injections. No surgery. Settlement $300.000.00. $100,000.00 for the workers’ compensation claim.


Premises Liability

The client suffered injuries due to a slip-and-fall on ice.

The client suffered injuries due to a slip-and-fall on ice.


Personal Injury

Settlement for hog grower who suffered a severe electrical injury.

Settlement for hog grower who suffered a severe electrical injury from metal door handle due to faulty wiring.


Workers’ Compensation

Claimant sustained head and neck injuries crawling through a tunnel at work.

Claimant sustained head and neck injuries crawling through a tunnel at work. Claim was accepted but employer wasn’t paying off work benefits, which led client to seek out representation with our team. Claimant was diagnosed with vertigo and had a neck fusion surgery. Settlement of $275,000.


Workers’ Compensation

Client sustained an injury to his left hand including amputation of two fingers.

Client sustained an injury to his left hand including amputation of two fingers. Brought claims against Employer and SIF of Iowa. Total Settlement $270,000.


Workers’ Compensation

Right arm caught in shredder, resulting in a workers' compensation.

Right arm caught in shredder, resulting in a workers' compensation claim.


Personal Injury

Mail delivery person struck by vehicle, resulting in neck and back injuries.

Mail delivery person struck by vehicle, resulting in neck and back injuries.


Workers’ Compensation

Settlement for claimant suffering a mental health injury.

Settlement for claimant suffering a mental health injury.


Dog Bite

Minor client was bitten in the face by pitbull, resulting in stitches and permanent scarring on his cheek.

Minor client was bitten in the face by pitbull, resulting in stitches and permanent scarring on his cheek. Total pre-litigation settlement $225,000.


Premises Liability

Injuries sustained in a slip-and-fall case.

$205,000 for injuries sustained in a slip-and-fall case.


Motor Vehicle Accident

Injuries sustained in a vehicle accident.

$200,000 for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident case.


Workers’ Compensation

Judgment for client suffering back injury as a Certified Nursing Assistant.

Judgment for client suffering back injury as a Certified Nursing Assistant.


Personal Injury

Jury verdict for woman that tripped and fell on broken concrete.

Jury verdict for woman that tripped and fell on broken concrete fracturing her shoulder while walking into gas station.


Dog Bite

Settlement resulting from a dog bite.

Settlement resulting from a dog bite.


Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury

Settlement for an injured truck driver.

Settlement for an injured truck driver. Settlement involved $25,000 policy limit underinsured motorist claim, $103,000 policy limit personal injury claim, and $45,000 for a workers' compensation closed-head injury.


Workers’ Compensation

Settlement for claimant suffering a hip injury.

Settlement for claimant suffering a hip injury.


Car Accident

Car accident settlement for driver suffering a shoulder injury.

Car accident settlement for driver suffering a shoulder injury.


Dog Bite

Dog bite case with injuries to the leg.

Dog bite case with injuries to the leg.


Workers’ Compensation

Hip injury; client quit job.

Hip injury; client quit job.


Workers’ Compensation

Denied neck and shoulder work injuries.

Denied neck and shoulder work injuries.


Workers’ Compensation

Denied workers' compensation for foot injury.

Brockway v. Country Side Healthcare Center – Denied workers compensation for foot injury, resulting in aggravation of diabetic ulcer. Compromise settlement $132,000.


Workers’ Compensation

Settlement for client suffering a right elbow fracture.

Settlement for client suffering a right elbow fracture.


Car Accident

Car accident settlement for driver suffering a back injury.

Car accident settlement for driver suffering a back injury.


Motor Vehicle Accident

Settlement included coverage for $16,000 in paid meds.

Settlement included coverage for $16,000 in paid meds.


Workers’ Compensation

Injured worker involving a hernia surgery with complications.

Injured worker involving a hernia surgery with complications.


Workers’ Compensation

Settlement for injured worker involving a shoulder and clavicle injury.

Settlement for injured worker involving a shoulder and clavicle injury.


Workers’ Compensation

Denied all benefits after 7 days based upon defendants expert report.

Denied all benefits after 7 days based upon defendant's expert report.


Motorcycle Accident

Settlement for motorcyclist involved in a motor vehicle collision

Settlement for motorcyclist involved in a motor vehicle collision.


Workers’ Compensation

Settlement for injured worker involving a shoulder injury.

Settlement for injured worker involving a shoulder injury.


Workers’ Compensation

Denied following initial treatment as temporary aggravation.

Denied following initial treatment as temporary aggravation.


Workers’ Compensation

Work injury to low back.

Work injury to low back.


Workers’ Compensation

Accepted ankle strain without tear or fracture.

Accepted ankle strain without tear or fracture.


Premises Liability

Slip-and-fall on ice; truck driver went to wrong location.

Slip-and-fall on ice; truck driver went to wrong location.


Workers’ Compensation

Back injury, resulting in workers' compensation.

Back injury, resulting in workers' compensation.


Motor Vehicle Accident

Accident with uninsured motorist; injuries to the hip (only $1,500 in paid medicals).

Accident with uninsured motorist; injuries to the hip (only $1,500 in paid medicals).


Workers’ Compensation

Fell from roof, resulting in workers' compensation.

Fell from roof, resulting in workers' compensation.


Workers’ Compensation

Shoulder injury, resulting in workers' compensation.

Shoulder injury, resulting in workers' compensation.


Workers’ Compensation

Right shoulder injury for Spanish-speaking client.

Right shoulder injury for Spanish-speaking client.


Workers’ Compensation

Denied claim for right wrist and right arm injury.

Denied claim for right wrist and right arm injury.